ZaZaKi, a web developer Between Manchester UK & Rotterdam NL. © 2015-2025.

jQuery Limited interval

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>

   var count = 0;

   // interval
   function myInterval(){
      // toggle the text  
      $('.zzkBlink').toggle ();

      $("#countDisplay").html(count); count++;

      // stops the interval if condition true
      if(count == 10 ) {    
         //clears the interval
   }interval = (myInterval);

   // starts the interval

     // resets the interval

     // resets the counts
     count = 0 ;

     // sets the interval
     interval = setInterval(myInterval,200);


<button id="start">start</button>
<h1 id="countDisplay"> 0</h1>
<h1 class="zzkBlink">Blinking Text</h1>


Front-end , JQuery