SVG get SVG icon dynamically
function svg_icon($svg_iconName = "", $svg_iconColor = "black"){ $pathtofile = 'icons/'. $svg_iconName.'.svg'; if (file_exists( $pathtofile)) { $svg_file = file_get_contents($pathtofile); $svg_fileremoved = substr($svg_file, 19); $svg_fileremoved = "<svg fill='".$svg_iconColor."'" . $svg_fileremoved; echo $svg_fileremoved; }else{ echo "SVG not Found"; } }
The SVG file must start with
<svg fill="#000000"
example of SVG file
<svg fill="#000000" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="512" width="512"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path> <path d="M12 10.586l4.95-4.95 1.414 1.414-4.95 4.95 4.95 4.95-1.414 1.414-4.95-4.95-4.95 4.95-1.414-1.414 4.95-4.95-4.95-4.95L7.05 5.636z"></path> </g> </svg>
Call the function:
First parameter is name of the SVG icon whiout file extenstion and second parameter is color of the icon
echo svg_icon("home", "blue");